On October 4th 1957, the Soviets launched Sputnik 1, the world's first Earth-orbiting artificial satellite. With the launch of Sputnik 1, the Space age was born. It was an aluminum 22-inch sphere with four spring-loaded whip antennae trailing, it weighed only 183 pounds and traveled an elliptical orbit that took it around the Earth every 96 minutes. It carried a small radio beacon that beeped at regular intervals and could by means of telemetry verify exact locations on the earth's surface. The reaction for the US was upsetting that the Soviets were the first to do this. Eisenhower administration had to move quickly to restore confidence at home and prestige abroad. NASA was born and become a functioning, one year after Sputnik on October 1, 1958. Our home life reflected the new world we live in. By the 1960's and into the 70's the hot trends were anything and everything related to space. Round ball or Orb ceiling lights, Sputnik Chandeliers,...
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